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Useful tips for walking

Walking is one of the few activities that can be enjoyed all year round. When planning a walk / hike consideration should be given to the following:

Walk Checklist

  1. Up to date Map & Guide
  2. Weather Check
  3. Clothing & Equipment – Sturdy walking Boots / Shoes, Waterproof Jacket, warm clothes, hat & Cloves, Water/Liquid & Snack, Mobile Phone.
  4. Tell someone about your plans.
  5. Emergency Telephone Numbers & Local Taxi Numbers etc.
  6. Accommodation Plans – if planning multi-day hike.

Choose your walk wisely

Decide if you want a long distance walk, an energetic hill walk or a more leisurely lowland stroll (Easy, Moderate or Difficult). Decide how long in time you want to walk for.

Research the waymarked walking routes (sections) that are located in the region you are visiting or plan to walk in. Call into local tourist information points and ask people locally for advice and up to date information. You can use the details this site has on each of the Ways as a guide to further information.

Match the route choice with the ability (Fitness & Experience), and interest of the group. If you are not experienced on walking Waymarked Ways begin on the sections that are graded easy and consider joining a guided walk or local walking group.

Issues to consider while walking

  1. Use a map or guide / trail brochure to keep track of where you are and mark/tick off the markings on the map as you go.
  2. If in a group, stay together and watch out for each other
  3. Be aware of traffic, especially if walking on busy roads
  4. Watch for changes in weather, if it deteriorates be prepared to alter the route or turn back.
  5. Don’t rush, take breaks, and most importantly enjoy yourself!

If something goes wrong

  1. Don’t panic, look at what around you and think where you have walked and the last place you saw a waymarker or signpost.
  2. Study the map and try to work out your location, your direction of travel, where you are now and where you are going
  3. Back tract to the last marker or to a point that is located along the route.
  4. If still lost look for alternative routes like roads and tracks that may also get you back on the way, or to where you are going or back to where you just walk from.